"HERITAGE | Costume-Fashion-Design- Discussion circle in museology"

"PATRIMÓNIO | Traje-Moda-Design - Círculo de discussão em museologia”

This event addresses the promotion of discussion between professionals and researchers, regarding different perspectives of heritage and museology in costume, fashion and design. This first edition gives word to Brazilians and Portuguese in a recent initiative on this subject and to celebrate the “Brazil-Portugal Year (2012-2013)” started in September. Everybody is invited to share experiences, projects, ideas and help us to know more about material and immaterial cultures and heritages.
CIMODE will open with this event which will take place in the afternoon of November 4th, at the Institute of Design (Rua da Ramada, nº 52-68), before our welcome cocktail!



Curricula of our guests

Rita Andrade: PhD in History at Universidade Católica of São Paulo. Master in History of Fabrics and Costume at University of Southampton, UK. Researcher at Institute ETHOS (www.ethos.com.br), NIO (UFRJ) and SENAC/SP (Fashion, culture and historicity) and Professor at Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil. Member of diverse committees: Revista Dobras (editorial committee), Colóquio de Moda (Brazil) and CIMODE (scientific committee), ABEPEM (advisory committee) and member of ICOM (Costume Committee). Brazilian editor of the journal Fashion Theory from 2002 to 2006, and author in the awarded edition Berg´s Encyclopaedia of World Dress and Fashion (2010).

Maria Claudia Bonadio
: Professor at Centro Universitário Senac. Author of the book "Moda e Sociabilidade: mulheres e consumo na São Paulo dos anos 1920" and  editor of the book  "História e Cultura de Moda" with Maria de Fátima Mattos. Prof. Bonadio also coordinates the CNPq research group: Moda, cultura e historicidade (Fashion, culture and historicity). At the moment Bonadio is postdoc researcher at the Museu Paulista da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, on the theme: "Is the fashion a museum subject? The fashion design in art museums", supported by CNPq.

Maria Cristina Volpi Nacif
: PhD in Social History at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Postdoc studies in Science of Literature at the same institution.
Professor at EBA- Escola de Belas Artes in the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).  Conducts research about costume in Brazil for over 18 years, developing studies about clothing in their symbolic and material aspects. Participate in editorial boards, as well as national and international associations on the History of Fashion, Design and Semiotics. From 1998 to 2006 integrated the evaluator group (BASis) for the Ministry of Education of the Brazilian government (Sinaes) about Degrees in Fashion Design in Brazil.

Márcia Merlo
: PhD and Master in Social Sciency at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brazil. Head of the Research Group: Museu da Indumentária e da Moda (Costume and Fashion Museum) and director of MIMO – Museu da Moda e da indumentária (MIMO- Costume and fashion Museum). Professor and researcher at Anhembi Morumbi Universty (Brazil), in the Design Department. Prof. Merlo researches involves the following subjects: theory and design history, methodology of design research, design and culture, anthropology and design, design and fashion, memory and history, ethnography, Brazilian culture.

Suzana Menezes
: Director of the Museu da Chapelaria (Museum of Millinery), Portugal. Head of Culture and Tourism of São João da Madeira Division, also coordenates projects from Núcleo de Design do Calçado (Shoe Design Centre) and Casa da Criatividade (Creativity House) and is diretor of the Oliva Creative Factory project. Director Menezes has a degree in Social Communication, master in Museology and she is doing a PhD in Cultural Studies at University of Aveiro.

Clara Vaz Pinto
: Director of Museu Nacional do Traje (National Costume Museum - PT), Lisbon, since 2002. Historian and conservator (costumes and textiles) with specializations in management.  Member of ICOM Portuguese National Committee, and make part of the direction of this institution in 2002-2005 and 2005-2008. 
Director Vaz Pinto is also member of ICOM (international), INTERCOM and ICOM Costume Committee.

João Alpuim Botelho:
Historian. Master in museology. Head of Division of Museums of the Municipality of Viana do Castelo, and responsible for two museums certificated by the Portuguese Government (RPM): the Museu de Artes Decorativas (Decorative Arts Museum) and the Museu do Traje (Costume Museum).  The Museu do Traje (Costume Museum) of Viana do Castelo (the region) is an ethnographic museum dedicated to studies, and its communication, about the Vianesa costume. The museum integrates this object in the socio and cultural context, the traditional countryside life style. The institution also promotes the process of heritage certification to the “Viana do Castelo Embroidery”.

Paulo Parra
: PhD in Industrial Design at University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Belas Artes) and Professor/Coordinator in the same institution (Dep. of Equipment Design). Dr. Parra has collected design objects of different authors and periods. Now, the collection “Design Icons” was integrated at MADE, MUSEU DO ARTESANATO E DO DESIGN DE ÉVORA – COLECÇÃO PAULO PARRA.Designer awarded by different companies, VISTA ALEGRE, OLIVA, SONAE, SONY, ARFLEX, LG ELECTRONICS and the BEST of IF – of Hannover Fair, Parra worked as co-director of the sustainability association SUSDESIGN, design adviser of INETI and INEGI, and also guest designer of the N.C.S. – NEUMEISTER DESIGN. His work have been presented in exhibitions in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Korea, Japan, USA and in biannual exhibitions “Design for Europe”, Belgium and other in Osaka, Japan.

Organization/ Mediation
: Rafaela Norogrando
Investigadora doResearcher at ID+, conducts a PhD Project at University of Aveiro entitled “Museum exhibitions and design objects. Fashion by narratives, experiences and connections”, supported by FCT.  www.rafaela.norogrando.wordpress.com

