Alba Cappellieri è Professore Ordinario di design del Gioiello e dell’Accessorio Moda al Politecnico di Milano,  presiede il corso di Laurea in Design della Moda, è direttore del corso di alto perfezionamento in Design del Gioiello e del Master in Accessory Design.Dal 2014 è direttore del Museo del Gioiello in Basilica Palladiana a Vicenza e Presidente della Women Jewellery Association Italy
Albertino Gonçalves Associate professor of the University of Minho, is the head of the Sociology Department. Master in in Social and Cultural Anthropology, by the University of Paris V – Sorbonne and Doctor in Sociology by the University of Minho. Sociology of lifestyles, culture and art is his main research area. He was in charge of the assessment of the social and cultural impact of the European Capital of Culture – Guimarães 2012. In the book Vertigens, Para uma Sociologia da Perversidade (2009) he focuses on contemporary imaginary.
Alessandra Vaccari  Senior researcher at the University IUAV of Venice, where she teaches Fashion History and Theory. Her main field of research consists of early 20th century fashion history and contemporary self-reliant fashion design. On fashion and modernism she published several articles and books, including Fashion at the Time of Fascism. Italian Modernist Lifestyle: 1922-1943, co-edited with Mario Lupano (2009). On self-reliant fashion she developed the idea of an international forum of Self-reliant Fashion Design–Politics and Practices in Fashion Design (organised with Vicky Salías, Buenos Aires 2010); and wrote La moda in tempo di crisi. Il movimento argentino del design indipendente in the book series Abito e identità (Vol. X, 2010).
Alexandra Cruchinho (1975) is Adjunct Professor in the School of Applied Arts of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. It is researcher of the Cieba (Research Centre for Fine Arts), Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon, since 2007. Is PhD in Textile Engineering, Branch Management and Design from the School of Engineering, University of Minho with Dissertation on the theme: Design - Continuous skill-building. Research is developing the project for post doctorate in the field of Fashion Production.
Ana Claudia Mei Alves de Oliveira É Professora titular da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, onde orienta pesquisas de mestrado, doutorado e pós-doutorado e ministra disciplinas no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Semiótica no eixo teórico da Semiótica discursiva. Entre seus objetos de estudo estão questões da marca e do consumo, as produções da comunicação social, da moda, da arte. Atua como consultora de mercado. É membro fundador do Centro de Pesquisas Sociossemióticas (CPS), no qual atua como co-diretora desde 1994, coordenando atualmente o projeto temático "Práticas de vida e produção de sentido na metrópole". Presidiu várias associações como AISV, ABES, ANPAP. Participa de conselhos científicos nacionais e internacionais. Publicou vários livros e artigos.
Ana Cristina Broega Doutora em Engenharia Têxtil – Física Têxtil (Ramo: Conforto) e Mestre em Design e Marketing Têxtil pela Universidade do Minho; É professora auxiliar da Universidade do Minho, atuando nos cursos de 1º ciclo em Design e Marketing da Moda e no Mestrado em Design e Marketing nas disciplinas: Design de Vestuário, Design de Acessórios de Moda (Calçado), Preparação de Coleções e Conforto e Fisiologia de Vestuário. É investigadora do Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia Têxtil da Universidade do Minho desde 1997.
Ana Margarida Fernandes PhD in Design from the Technical University of Lisbon; MSc in Textile Design and Marketing from the University of Minho; Assistant professor at the School of Applied Arts of Castelo Branco, teaching in Fashion Design and Textiles area; coordinator of a Master course in Apparel Design and Textiles in partnership with the Technical University of Lisbon. Researcher at the CIAUD Architecture, Urbanism and Design Research Center at FAUTL
Ana Mery Shebe De Carli Doutora e Mestre em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC-SP; Especialista em Artes Visuais. Professora e Diretora do Centro de Artes e Arquitetura - Campus 8/Cidade das Artes e Coordenadora do Programa Institucional-Campus 8/Cidade das Artes da Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS/RS).
Ana Ferreira Ramos Arquiteta; Mestre em Engenharia Civil (especialidade de Construções) pela Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra; Doutora em Engenharia Civil, especialidade de Construções, pela Universidade de Coimbra; Coordenou dois projetos de investigação na área da educação: projeto "A Relação entre o Aproveitamento no Ensino Secundário e no Ensino Superior" - Politécnica e projeto "AIA |Acolher, Integrar e Acompanhar" - POCI 2010; É Coordenadora Institucional do Processo de Bolonha no Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (onde é docente desde 1998).
Ana Mery Shebe De Carli PhD in Communication and Semiotics, PUC/SP (2007). Professor at the Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS, since 1995. Founder and coordinator of the Simpósio Nacional de Moda e Tecnologia/UCS (2005...). Coordinator of the research: Fashion in the Third Millennium: new values new practices/UCS (2009 ...). Part of the working team in Fashion and Sustainability at the Colóquio de Moda - Brasil. Author of books: O Corpo no Cinema: Variações do Feminino (2009); O Sensacional da Moda (2002); co-organizer of the book: Moda em Sintonia (2010); Moda sustentabilidade e emergências (2012) among other articles and chapters in the field of semiotics, fashion, and culture.
Ana Paula Celso de Miranda  Doctor from FEA-USP. Coordinator of Design and Professor of disciplines' Fashion and Consumption "and" Fashion and Film "in the course of the CAA-Design UFPE which is leading the G-COMO - Consumption Fashion Research Group. Coordinator of Consumption Fashion Research Area of Colóquio de Moda. Director of ABEPEM - Brazilian Association for Studies and Research in Fashion. `Published books: author of Fashion is communication: experiences, memories, links and author of Fashion Consumption - the Person-Object Relationship.
Anne Anicet, PhD in Design at the University of Aveiro and Master in Apparel Design and Marketing at the University of Minho, both in Portugal. Professor of Bachelor of  Fashion Design and Coordinator of the Graduate Course on Surface Design, both of Uniritter Laureate International Universities. Partner and designer of the Contexture Textile Studio, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
Araguacy Filgueiras Degree in Home Economics from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC (1987 ), specialist in Textile Engineering - UFC, Master of Rural Economy - UFC (2005 ), PhD in Textile Engineering from the University of Minho-PT (2008 ), concentration area Management and Design. She is currently associate professor at the Federal University of Ceará, Coordinator of Design - Fashion Course. Minister disciplines of plan modeling, drapping and product ergonomics. It does research and extension with emphasis on product development, handicrafts and social groups.
Arturo Dell'Acqua Bellavitis is the Dean of the School of Design and Coordinator of the Board of Department Directors in Politecnico di Milano. Full professor of Industrial Design in the Design School of Politecnico di Milano, he supervises University Master Courses in Design Management, Interior Design and Fashion Design. Since 1997 he has been supervising the post-degree course in “Manager for Points of Sale Interiors” arranged by the Polytechnic of Milan and Federmobili, which is in the fifteenth edition. He has been vice-president of the Triennale Foundation of Milan for eight years where he developed the project of the Design Museum.  Is currently the President of the Triennale Design Museum Foundation. He is actual President of MFI Milan Fashion Institute a university consortium among Politecnico di Milano, Università Bocconi and Università Cattolica in the area of Fashion Design and Management. He is also President of Ar&dent (Art Design and New Technologies) a university consortium between Politecnico di Milano ed Accademia di Brera.
Bárbara Pino Profesora Asociada  de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño de la Universidad Diego Portales (FAADudp) en Chile y Responsable de la Internacionalización de la Escuela de Diseño udp. Profesora del Curso Diseño y Anticipación. Faculty member de Magister Territorio y Paisaje FAADudp. Fellow Camera Comercio de Milano - Industria Creativas. Faculty member en el Master De.LUX Design per Luxury - Fashion Management del Politécnico di Milano & Tshingua University. Jurado del Taipei International Design Awards. Visiting Proffesor BIFT (Beijing Institute Fashion Technology). Representante en Chile de Triennale di Milano.
Bernardo Providência PhD in Product Design by the  University of Girona, Spain; MSc in Business Innovation and Technology Management - University of Girona, Spain; MSc in Design and Marketing - Minho University, Portugal. Professor at the University of Minho on the Master courses in Fashion Design Communication and in Design and Marketing and in the 1st Cycle course in Product Design.
Carla Costa Pereira Morais is Assistant Professor at the “Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa” in the Fashion Design Degree and in Fashion Design Master. Before she had got a master degree in Design and Marketing, Textil, in Universidade do Minho she was teaching Fashion Design but after 2005 she started teaching in the subjects as Technologies, Materials and Dressmaking. She is researcher of Research Centre for Architecture, Urban Planning and Design (CIAUD) and the main field of her research is Sustainable Fashion, the title of her PHD in Design that she got in 2013 at the Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa.
Carlos A. M. Duarte Bachelor in industrial designer by IADE – Creative University. He completed his Ph.D. on Production Engineering, in 2001, at the University of Beira Interior. Finally, he completed his D.Sc. at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro in 2012 with this lesson: Simplicity, a parameter of Engineering and Design. He is associate professor of IADE – Creative University and a member of UNIDCOM/IADE – a Reserach Unit on Design and Communication. Today, he is President of IADE’s Creative University. His scientific areas of research and interest focus on long waves applied to the history of design, as well as the development methodologies that envolve relativistic amounts of information and Design. He was Chair of the following international conferences: “Senses & Sensibility” Lisbon, Portugal, September 2003; “Pride and Pre-Design” CUMULUS Lisbon, May 2005; “Design & CC: SOS! – Design and Commercial Communications: Seek Optimal Synergies”, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2007; “40 IADE 40 from 1969 to 2049”, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2009; “Senses & Sensibility in Lisbon: Design, Marketing, Advertising, Photography and Visual Culture in the right place”, October 2011; and UNIDCOM / IADE’s 7th International Conference’s: Senses & Sensibility in the Right Place, November 2013 – Florianopolis, Brazil.
Claudia Regina Garcia Vicentini Professora da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da USP, na graduação e mestrado em Têxtil e Moda, na área de design. Engenheira têxtil – FEI. É Doutora em engenharia mecânica pela UNICAMP e Mestre em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC/SP.
Cristiane Mesquita Doutora em Psicologia pelo Núcleo de Subjetividades Contemporâneas (PUC-SP, 2008); professora e pesquisadora do Programa de Mestrado em Design na Universidade Anhembi Morumbi/SP.
Cristina Figueiredo Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Architecture of ULisboa. PhD in Biotechnology at I.S.T./U.T.L., on topic: DEVELOPMENT OF A SYSTEM OF BIODEGRADATION oxic - anoxic FOR TEXTILE WASTEWATER, Lisbon/Portuga. MSc in Biotechnology/Biochemical Engineering from IST/UTL , Lisbon / Portugal. Lic th in Textile Engineering (Production Branch) by U. Beira Interior, Covilhã / Portugal. Member of ENVERG (Environment Research Group) IBB - IST/UTL. Effective member of CIAUD (Research Centre for Architecture , Urbanism and Design), FA/ULisboa. Research Areas of Interest: Biotechnology , Textile Materials , Sustainable Textiles and Apparel , Ecodesign. Coordinator of the Master in Fashion Design FA/UTL. Scientific Evaluator ADI (Innovation Agency). Scientific Advisor at the PhD in Design: New Materials and Techniques Applied to White Castle Embroidery Design in Textiles and Clothing, public examination on 12/06/2012 , Very Good with Praise. Sustainability in Apparel Design , public evidence in 07/03/2013, Very Good with Praise. Co -Advisor of the Scientific Research Project PhD in Design: ntelligent Clothing as a Tool to Design of Sports Performance, public evidence in 18/10/2012, Very Good with Praise.
Daniela Lucena Socióloga y Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es investigadora del CONICET, especialista en sociología del arte y de la cultura. Se desempeña como docente de grado y de posgrado en la UBA, la UNA y FLACSO Argentina. Es autora del libro "Contaminación artística" (Buenos Aires, 2015) y ha publicado sus trabajos en revistas y catálogos nacionales e internacionales. Es también evaluadora de la Fundación PH15 para las Artes.
Desamparados Pardo Cuenca, graduate in Fine Arts and Europe Ph.D in Design Science from the University IUAV of Venice and Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Master in industrial design engineering . She works as an associate professor in the department of fashion design of the Escuela Superior de Arte y Diseño and simultaneously as a professor in the department of graphic engineering of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, where she teaches from 2005 fashion design projects , methods and tactics of emotional design and trend analysis.
Diana Crane is Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. She is the author of several books, including Fashion and Its Social Agenda: Class, Gender and Identity in Clothing (2000) and numerous articles, including "Boundaries: Using cultural theory to unravel the complex relationship between fashion and art," in: Adam Geczy and Vicki Karaminas (eds.) Crossovers: Fashion and Art. Oxford, UK: Berg, 2012 and "Auction prices of fashion collectibles: What do they mean?" In: A. M. González, S. Kaiser, and E. Tseëlon (eds.) Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, Volume 1. Plymouth: Intellect, pp. 145-150. She is a specialist in the sociology of art, media, popular culture and fashion. She is a co-editor of Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty.
Elisabeth Murilho da Silva Doutora em Ciências Sociais - Antropologia. Professora do Departamento de Artes e Design da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Professora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Pesquisadora dos temas: juventude, cultura juvenil e moda.
Evelise Annicet Ruthschilling Post doctoral studies in Sustainable Surface Design, at UFPR; PhD inComputer Science in Education: Surface Design; and Master of Visual Arts,both at UFRGS. Coordinator of research centers: Surface Design andSustainable Fashion, both at UFRGS. Guiding masters and doctorate students in design at PGDesign / UFRGS. Partner and designer at the studio Contexture, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. 
Fausto Roberto Poço Viana Professor Doutor e Livre docente do Departamento de Artes Cênicas da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP.
Fernando José Carneiro Moreira da Silva Full Professor in Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (FA/ULisboa); Aggregation in Design by the Technical University of Lisbon; PhD, Master and Post-doc by the University of Salford; President of CIAUD – Research Centre in Architecture, Urbanism and Design; President of the Department of Project of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Coordinator of the Design Scientific Area, Coordinator of the Masters and PhD degrees in Design, FA/ULisboa; Reviewer for the Science and Technology Foundation of Portugal; Honorary Researcher at SURFACE – Inclusive Design Research Centre; supervisor of several Master dissertations and PhD thesis; coordination and participation in many research projects; author of scientific journal articles, book chapters and books; organization of national and international conferences.
Francisca Raimunda Nogueira Mendes Graduada em História pela Faculdade de Filosofia D.Aureliano Matos-FAFIDAM/UECE (2000). Mestre em Sociologia pelo Programa de Pós Graduaçao em Sociologia da Universidade Federal do Ceará/UFC (Agosto/2004), onde também concluiu o Doutorado em 2009. Tem experiência no ensino de Antropologia, tendo atuado como professora substituta na UFC (2003-2005). Realiza pesquisas sobre o artesanato cearense. Membro do Laboratório de Estudos da Oralidade-LEO (UFC). Professora Adjunto II do Curso de Design de Moda da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), onde desenvolve pesquisas sobre a moda cearense e orienta trabalhos na área de história da moda, da indumentária e consumo, entre outros. Atualmente, também ocupa o cargo de vice-coordenadora do curso de graduação e co-tutora do Programa PET
Gianni Montagna Doutorado em Design pela Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa desde 2012, na área dos sistemas inteligentes aplicados ao vestuário, lecciona as disciplinas de Design de Moda do segundo ano académico da Licenciatura em Design de Moda e com frequência lecciona outras disciplinas ligadas à mesma instituição, como o caso da de Design de Acessórios. É docente convidado do Curso de Doutoramento em Design de Moda da Universidade do Minho em colaboração com a Universidade da Beira Interior onde colabora na leccionação da disciplina de “Interfaces Design Moda e Tecnologia”.
Giulia Ceriani Semiotician, is president of baba, a market research and scenarios institute. Phd in Sciences of Language (EHESS, Paris), Ceriani is professor of Advertising Communication and Communication and Consumption at Siena University. Main publishings: Moda: Regole e rappresentazioni (Franco Angeli, 1994) ; Marketing Moving: l’approccio semiotico (Franco Angeli, 2001); Il dispositivo ritmico (Meltemi, 2004); Hot spots e sfere di cristallo. Marketing della tendenza e ricerca semiotica (Franco Angeli 2007) Imperfezioni (with E.Landowski, eds., edizioni, 2010)
Giovanni Maria Conti, PhD, Assistant Professor in Industrial design at the Polytechnic of Milan, his research are on dynamics of Innovation connected to processes of Cross Fertilization between Fashion, Knitwear and Culture of the Industrial Design. He is executive secretary of Fashion Design Degree at the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano. Founder and Scientific Coordinator of the website/blog, actually, he is the coordinator of the Knit Design Lab and he working on some project in Textile end Knit Design.
Helder Carvalho received his graduation in Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering in 1992 from the University of Porto. He concluded his MSc and PhD in Textile Engineering at the University of Minho in the years of 1998 and 2004, respectively. His current occupation is teacher and researcher at the University of Minho, where he has a position as Assistant Professor, at the Department of Textile Engineering. In the last years he has been developing work at various interfaces between Product Design and Engineering, especially Textile and Fashion Design. He is coordinator of the MSc course in Design and Marketing and has been part of the coordinating committee of the BSc course in Fashion Design and Marketing at the University of Minho since 2005.
Helena Pires is Assistant Professor in the Communication Sciences Department (Institute of Social Sciences), University of Minho, Portugal. She is also a researcher in the CECS (Communication and Society Research Centre), University of Minho. Her teaching and research interests fall mainly within Advertising Studies, Visual Communication Studies and Urban Landscape. She has written several articles and chapters in books. Currently, she carries out a project named Landscape, Culture and Arts of Contemporaneity.
Isabel Gouveia, PhD Textile Engineering (Biotechnology), Professor at University of Beira Interior and Senior Researcher with collaboration with University of Minho, Portugal, and Hacettepe University, Turkey. Vice-President of the Faculty of Engineering 2009-2013. Director of the MSc course in Bioengineering since March 2014. Professor in Colour, printing, dyeing, finishing and biotechnological strategies in the courses of Fashion Design.
Isabella Pezzini è professore di Filosofia e Teoria dei linguaggi presso il Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale dell’Università di Roma La Sapienza, dove insegna Semiotica. E’ presidente dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici, fa parte della redazione di Versus.Quaderni di studi semiotici, di E/C e di Lexia. Si è occupata dello sviluppo teorico della semiotica, di analisi testuale, dei linguaggi dei media, di semiotica dello spazio e della cultura, con studi sulle forme espressive della contemporaneità e l’immaginario dei consumi.
Joana Bosak is professor of Art History at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Master in History and PhD in Comparative Literature, works on theory, critics and historiography of Art. Her research, nowadays, is about the role of clothes or dress in Brazilian Art and, either, in the works about Art and garments of Athos Damasceno, a writer who lived in Porto Alegre in the 1900. She has a book published about regional identity and several articles about fashion, literature and history.
Joana Cunha PhD in Textile Engineering - Design and Management, by the University of Minho; MSc in Design and Marketing by the University of Minho. Assistant Professor at the University of Minho, acting in the 1st cycle course in Fashion Design and Marketing and in the Master courses in Design and Marketing and Fashion Communication Design. Director of the 1st cycle course in Fashion Design and Marketing since 2013 and a researcher at the Centre for Textile Science and Technology, University of Minho since 1996.
José Ferro Camacho is the President of the Pedagogical Council at IADE-U, the Coordinator of the Marketing and Advertising Course and the Director of the Design Management Master. He is the responsible of a research line at UNIDCOM – research unit in design, communication and marketing. As a senior expert in Business Innovation & Industrial Dynamics, he develops consultancy work close to companies, business associations and governmental agencies. Before joining IADE, he was director at INTELI – Intelligence in Innovation and Novodesign. He has acquired a degree in Mechanical Engineering (IST), an MSc in Management and Industrial Strategy (ISEG) and a PhD in Management (ISCTE).
Kathia Castilho is the president of Brazilian Association of Fashion Studies and Research (ABEPEM) and also doubles as the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Estação das Letras e Cores Publishing House, a publisher company specialized in both fashion and design. Therefore, she organizes many books and events in these fields of study, such as “Consumption – practices and narratives” (2011). She is also the editor of dObra[s], an interdisciplinary magazine of fashion studies. Kathia holds titles such as doctor and master in Communication and Semiotics (São Paulo Catholic University), which allow her to act as a professor in the areas of fashion, design and consumption in graduate and undergraduate courses in various academic institutions throughout Brazil. She manages the research group Fashion, consumption and city at the Sociosemiotics Research Center (CPS) and is also a guest researcher at Ethos Group: Communication, Behaviour and Body Strategies at ECO-UFRJ. Previously, she coordinated the book collection Fashion Communication at Anhembi Morumbi Publishers, were she signed books such as Fashion and Language (2004) and Fashion Discourses: semiotics, design and body (2006).
Laura Zambrini Socióloga y Doctora en Ciencias Sociales (FSOC-UBA). Investigadora Asistente CONICET. Prof. Titular de Sociología en la carrera de Diseño de Indumentaria y Textil (FADU-UBA). Prof. de la carrera de posgrado Sociología del Diseño (DISO-FADU-UBA) y en el Doctorado en Diseño de la Universidad de Palermo (UP). Es coordinadora, junto a la Dra. Daniela Lucena, del Grupo de Estudios Sociológicos sobre Moda y Diseño (GESMODI) en el Instituto de Arte Americano (IAA-FADU-UBA). Publicó diversos trabajos en revistas científicas y de divulgación. Trabaja temas relacionados a la sociología del vestir y los estudios de género. 
Madalena Pereira started his professional engineer activity in 1989 in the Clothing and Textile Industry over 10 years. In 2007 she presented the Textile Engineering Ph.D. thesis in Textile Engineering (The performance of operations management in textile and Clothing Industry) at University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã, Portugal. She is member of Unit Research UMTP-UBI and UNIDCOM-IADE-U. She is author and co-author of several papers in: operations management in textile and clothing industry and  fashion design areas. She is Assistant Professor and Director of Fashion Design course (UBI) and Director of Master in Branding and Fashion Design (UBI/IADE-U), and Vice-President of Textile and Fashion Department in UBI.  His areas of expertise are clothing industry business and management; CAD systems for patterns clothing; consumer, new technologies for clothing industry and fashion trends. Advisor in several Master Thesis in Fashion Design, Branding and Fashion Design and Textile Engineering, and advisor in PhD Thesis. Member of scientific committee of several international conferences in the area of Fashion Design, Management, Marketing and management with peer review of articles (Designa, Global Fashion Conference, CIMODE, CEPESE, CIRCLE, ICIEMC).
Manon Salles é Doutora e Mestre pela Escola de Comunicações a Artes da Universidade de São Paulo. Graduada em Artes Plásticas com cursos técnicos de moda e história da arte realizados na França e na Itália. Atua como docente nas áreas de moda e arte. Diretora criativa e coordenadora de cursos, congressos nacionais/ internacionais e projetos acadêmicos. Pesquisadora na área da cultura material,desenvolvendo exposições de acervos têxteis de moda e de artes cênicas.
Mara Rubia Sant´Anna Professor of Fashion History and of the Master in History at the University of the State of Santa Catarina. Associate Professor d'Acueil Team 3400 “ARCHE”, affiliated with the University of Strasbourg (FR). She is the leader of the research group “Society and Fashion”. 
Marcelo Machado Martins PhD in General Linguistics and Semiotics (USP: FFLCH) with internship at ENS: LSH (Lyon and Paris). He is an associate professor at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE): Academic Unit of Garanhuns (UAG). Integrates several research groups, especially the vice coordination in GT Body, Fashion and Communication of the Colóquio de Moda; in GP Education: textual-discursive manifestations of diversity (UAG: UFRPE). Develops projects related to teaching and research Semiotics of Narrative and Discourse, the Sociossemiotics of the Fashion and the Consumption. For these areas, acts as conceptual reviewer of books and professional journals. He has authored several articles, as well as introductions and book chapters. Co-authored, published Como fazer montras (Port: Vitrimagens, 2004), Discourses of Fashion: semiotics, design and body (São Paulo: Anhembi Morumbi, 2005), Book of Texts: Field Education (Recife: UFRPE, 2007).
Márcia M. Couto Mello PhD in Architecture and Urbanism (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil), she has implemented and coordinated the Fashion Specialisation, Arts and Contemporaneity course and currently coordinate the Graduate in Fashion Design course at Universidade Salvador / Laureate International Universities (UNIFACS), where she performs as a teacher, covering a range of subjects such as Architecture and Urbanism, Fashion Design, Pos-Graduated in Fashion, Arts and Contemporaneity. Researcher for the education institute mentioned above she takes part in the groups NEPAUR and COMDIS; published a variety of articles on papers, books, periodicals and magazines; presented her scientific studies on lectures, conferences and many other local and international affairs; organized cultural and scientific events and she works as evaluator for the Instituto de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais of the Brazilian’s Education and Culture Ministry.
Maria Carolina Garcia is a fashion expert whose career was built towards the combination of academic studies, market skills and the development of an international fashion network, as well as the ability to lead multiethnic work groups. This includes strong links with the specialized media, major universities, textile chain industries and government organizations dedicated to such field. Journalist (Universidade Federal do Paraná, 1991), Master of Science in Communication and Semiotics (São Paulo Catholic University, 2002) and Doctor in Communication and Semiotics (São Paulo Catholic University, 2010), she concentrates her research on global impacts towards fashion culture. As an author and lecturer on fashion studies, Maria Carolina has been teaching at Anhembi Morumbi University, in São Paulo, for the last ten years. Currently, she is a teacher and researcher at Centro Universitário Belas Artes (São Paulo, Brasil) and a visiting professor at Colegiatura Colombiana (Medellín, Colombia) and Universidad ORT (Montevideo, Uruguay). Maria Carolina is a full researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center of Culture Semiotics and Media Studies and a member of ABEPEM - the Brazilian Association of Fashion Studies and Research board. She is also the founder and chief culture officer of NAU Amazing Projects, an agency dedicated to cultural branding, design experience and mesh economy.
Maria da Graça Guedes, Bsc in Philosophy (University of Porto), Bsc in Geography (University of Porto), Msc European Studies - Social Development (Management School - Minho University), Phd Textile Engineering - Management and Design (Engineering School - Minho University). Research interests: Fashion Design, Branding, Holistic Marketing, Social Responsability oriented Marketing, Market Trends. Managed several courses, and among them 2 design courses: a1st degree course and a Msc course. Supervises Msc dissertation Projects and Phd research projects. Coordinates financed projects in co-operation companies/university focused in marketing opportunities, new products development, and fashion design. Coordinate research projects on Social Responsability implementation in industrial companies. Author of a CSR accreditation system. Co-author of two books: "Green book of the Portuguese Textile Industry", and "Bologne - Projet lead learning". Presented several papers on Marketing, Branding, Competitiveness, New Products Development, and Sustainable Fashion Design.
Maria do Carmo Teixeira Rainho Historian. Ph.D. in Social History, 2012, Universidade Federal Fluminense. Master in Social History of Culture, 1992, Pontifícia Universidade Católica - PUC-Rio. Researcher at the National Archives (Brazil). Teacher (History of Fashion and Dress) in SENAI Cetiqt and in MBA in Fashion Business at Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Field specialties: History of Brazil, Fashion History, Brazilian Fashion, Fashion Theory, Visual Culture, History of Photography. Books and texts: Moda e revolução nos anos 1960, Faperj/Contra Capa Editora (in press); A cidade e a moda: novas pretensões, novas distinções, Rio de Janeiro – século XIX (2002); Retratos Modernos (2005); Marcas do Progresso: consumo e design no Brasil no século XIX (2009).
Maria Claudia Bonadio is a Lecturer in Art and Design at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. She is PhD in History and is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the University of São Paulo.  She is the author of the book Moda e sociabilidade: Mulheres e consumo na São Paulo dos anos 1920 [Fashion and Sociability: Women and Consumption in São Paulo in the 1920s] (2007),Moda e publicidade no Brasil dos anos 1960 [Fashion and advertising in Brazil during the 1960s (in press)] and is the editor of História e Cultura de Moda [History and Culture of Fashion] (2011). She is a member of the Board of Directors of Brazilian Studies and Research into Fashion.
Maria de Fátima da S. C. G. de Mattos Doutora em Artes pela ECA/USP e Mestre em História e Cultura pela FHDSS/UNESP. Professora e pesquisadora do Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda (Rib.Preto/SP) na área de Educação, Arte e Cultura. Pesquisadora do Grupo de Pesquisa do CNPq "Moda, cultura e historicidade" (SENAC).
Maria Eduarda Araujo Guimarães has a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and graduated in Social Sciences and Law, both from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. She is currently a Lecturer in Fashion Design at Senac University Center, São Paulo. She does research in the areas of fashion and consumption, with emphasis on their relationship to expression of identities and the construction of lifestyles in cities and in virtual social spaces created through social networks. Publisher of Iara, magazine of fashion, culture and art, shealso is  leader of the research group on Culture and Behavior of CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - Ministry of Science and Technology)
Marly de Menezes has a PhD in Design and Architecture from Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo - FAU/USP, defending the thesis entitled “The use of the computer as a means for representing space: a case study in the field of teaching Digital & Virtual Design.”, in 2009. In 2000, she obtained her master's degree from the same University with a dissertation entitled “The architectural design in time - Case study: graphic content of three Portuguese architects of the XX century”. Between 2001-2012, she was Professor of Fundamentals of Computer Graphics in Fashion Design and Coordinator of Extension Area of the Faculdade Santa Marcelina. Since 2005, she teaches at the Istituto Europeo di Design / SP, the discipline of Geometry in Multimedia Production Course, Computer Graphic in the courses of Jewelry Production, Product Design and Multimedia Production and the Graphic Representation in the course of Fashion Design and Interior Design. She has experience in: graphical representation of the architecture and design, solid and descriptive geometry, fundamentals of computer graphics, drawing from observation and technical drawing. Also, she works as architecture in the city of São Paulo.
Mário de Araújo Graduated in Textile Technology at the University of Manchester (UK) in 1971 and in Management at the University of Salford (UK) in 1972. In 1978 was awarded the degree of PhD in Materials Science (Fibre Science) for work in the field of Physical Properties of Fibrous Structures at the University of Strathclyde (UK), in 1983 was conferred the title of Agregação (higher doctorate/ habilitation) by the University of Minho (Portugal), in 1985 was elected Fellow of the Textile Institute (UK), in 2001 was awarded a Honorary Doctorate by the Technical University of Iasi (Romania), in 2003 conferred the title of Honorary Professor at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh (UK) and in 2010 The AUTEX 2010 Lifetime Achievements Award (international). He was co-responsible for setting up education and research in textiles (1975) and design (1989) at the University of Minho, Portugal, having pursued his carrier at Minho to become Professor of Textile Engineering in 1985 and Dean of Engineering in 1989. He was President of AUTEX- The Association of Universities for Textiles (International) from 2001 to 2004. He works currently as a consultant, Research Professor (retired) at the Fibrous Materials Research Group of the University of Minho (Portugal) and Expert for the European Commission (Brussels, Belgium) on the ESCO-TEXTAN Reference Group. He has acted as a consultant to many business companies, industrial organizations and government both at national and international level. He has been visiting professor at many universities worldwide. He is in the editorial/ scientific advisory board of a number of major scientific journals. He is the author or co-author of 13 textbooks, over 100 technical papers, and of over 300 presentations of original work at international scientific and technical meetings. He is the joint holder of 6 patents. His current research interests are as follows: Engineering Design of Fibrous Materials & Structures, Technical Textiles, Supply Chain Management in the Fashion Industry.
Marizilda dos Santos Menezes PhD in Urban Environmental Structures and Master of Built Environment Technology at University of Sao Paulo - Brasil.  MBA in Design Environnement at  Ecole des Beaux Arts Appliqués et Arts de Nancy - France; Building College - Ecole des Beaux Arts Et Arts Appliqués Nancy; Industrial Design College at Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado; Design and Plastic at Fine Arts College of Sao Paulo. Coordinator of Design Graduate Program of Universidade Estadual Paulista (2004 - 2007) and (2010-2013). Professor of Design College and Graduate courses and Editor of Educação Grafica Journal (ISBN 1414-3895 ). Leader of Space and Form Language research group. Expertise in ​​Design, with emphasis in Fashion Design , Graphic Expression , Drawing , Projetual Methodology , African and Afrobrazilian Cultures.
Mônica Moura is a designer, teacher and researcher with academic formation and professional experience in Interior Design; Visual Arts ; Arts Education ; Master and PhD in Communication and Semiotics ( PUC / SP ); Postdoctoral studies in the Department of Art & Design/Post Graduation Program in Design ( PUC / RJ ). Is Assistant Professor Dr. of undergraduate courses in Graphic Design and Product Design and coordinates the Laboratory Experiments in Design at the Department of Design. Is a teacher and guidance counselor on Design Post Graduation Program in Architecture , Arts and Communication School , Bauru Campus , where  coordinates the Research Laboratory of Contemporary Design . Is Collaborator Professor of Post Graduation Program in Arts, on Institute of Arts , São Paulo Campus. All UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista. As a researcher she has published articles, chapters and books about the Design and Technology (digital media); and Art; and Fashion, and Education; and Methodologies; Brazilian Design, Research in Contemporary Design, among others . She is a member of boards of scientific journals and conferences in the field of design; the board of ABEPEM (Brazilian Association of Fashion Studies and Research); the SBDI ( Brazilian Society of Information Design ) where he was president of the management of 2010/2013.
Olga Maria Coutinho Pépece Pesquisadora nas áreas de Cultura e Consumo e Comportamento do Consumidor. Professora de Graduação e Pós Graduação Stricto Sensu da Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Membro do GIPEM - Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas e Estudos de Marketing
Patricia Mello Souza, PhD and master in design by the State University of São Paulo, with post-doctoral research developed at the Politecnico di Milano. Professor at the State University of Londrina, operates in Fashion Design in themes: building processes; three-dimensional modeling and creation; cross fertilization. 
Patrizia Calefato is Professor at the Department of “Lettere Lingue Arti: Italianistica e Culture comparate” of the Università degli studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy. She is also Affiliated Professor at the Center for Fashion Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden. Her main fields of interest are: the social dimension of language, Fashion studies, Sociosemiotics, Cultural studies, Gender studies. Her recent researches cover subjects as: the signs of luxury, lifestyles and excess in the contemporary age; the relationships between fashion and time; écriture and the new media. Her main recent publications include: Luxury. Lifestyles and Excess London-New York: Bloomsbury, 2014; La moda oltre la moda, Milan: Lupetti, 2011; Metamorfosi della scrittura, Bari: Progedit, 2011; Body and Beauty, in Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: Volume 8 – West Europe, 2010; Fashion as cultural translation: knowledge, constrictions and transgressions on/of the female body, in “Social Semiotics”, 2010; On myths and fashion: Barthes and cultural studies. Sign Systems Studies, vol. 36, Tartu University, 2008; Mass moda, Rome: Meltemi 2007; Che nome sei? Nomi, marchi, tag, nick, etichette e altri segni, Rome: Meltemi, 2006; The Clothed Body, Oxford: Berg, 2004.
Paula Miguel Socióloga, especializada en sociología de la cultura y análisis cultural y Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es Profesora Titular de Sociología en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo e investigadora y docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de esa misma universidad. Sus temas de investigación abordan la producción de las industrias creativas y las dimensiones culturales de la economía. Entre sus publicaciones se encuentra Emprendedores del diseño. Apuntes para una sociología de la moda (Eudeba, 2013).
Pedro Bessa PhD in Design (University of Aveiro, 2005); M.A. in Fine Art and Theatre / interdisciplinary and theoretical studies (University of Surrey, 1993). He is currently Professor Auxiliar at the DeCA/ Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro. He is member of ID+ / Research Institute of Design, Media and Culture (UA and UP); Areas of interest: critical theory, design studies, and gender studies. Associated Editor of The Design Journal  (EAD, Salford), 1998-2002; Director of Design course/1st cycle degree UA (2007- 2010); Director of Contemporary Artistic Creation M.A. course since 2012.
Pierluigi Cervelli was born in Rome in 1976. After the Degree in Communication Studies at the University of Bologna, during 2002, he concludes the Ph.D. in Semiotics and Psychology of symbolic communication at the University of Siena (2007). His basic research interest is a semiotic perspective on the relation between urban space and cultural marginality, in particular about urban outskirts, migrations, globalisation. Cervelli has been teaching at the Universities of Siena and of Roma “La Sapienza” as a free-lance Professor, since 2006 to 2009, before becoming Research Professor in 2009, in the Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication studies, University "La Sapienza" of Rome, teaching now General Semiotics and Semiotics of Consumption. In the same period (2002-2009) he worked as a human resources consultant and as a free lance researcher in customer experience analysis. He lectured in France and in Brazil, where he has been visiting professor at the PUC of São Paulo.
Rafaela Norogrando PhD in Design and Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology. With a background in Fashion Design, MBA in Marketing, Specialization in Fashion and Communication, Product Design and technical training held at IED, London College of Fashion and Central Saint Martins, for many years she worked as shoe designer in one of the largest companies in Brasil. She is currently researcher associated at the ID+ Research Institute of Design, Media and Culture and professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu and at the University of Beira Interior.
Raul Cunca Master Degree in Industrial Design from Milan Domus Academy and a Doctorate Degree from Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa in Industrial Design. Currently Professor at Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, since 1994, and visiting Professor in the Master of Industrial Design at Facoltà di Architettura - Sapienza Università di Roma. Member in several scientific committees, namely referee for the diid_disegno industrial industrial design magazine and member of the international board of referees of Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca – MIUR, Italy. He is author of the books “Territórios Híbridos” published by UL-FBA in 2006 and “A Magia da Polaroid - Colecção Raul Cunca —The Magic of Polaroid – Raul Cunca Collection”, published by Casa da Cerca in 2012.
Regina Sanches Bachelor of Mechanical Textile Engineering at Centro Universitário da FEI (1987), B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2001) and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2006). Since 2006 has worked at School of Arts, Science and Humanist of São Paulo University as professor of Textile and Fashion Course and since 2011 is associate professor. Responsible by the disciplines of Technology of Knitting on undergraduate and graduate courses. Researches in the area of textile materials and knitting technology.
Renata Pitombo Cidreira Doctor in Contemporary Culture and Communication (FACOM/UFBA), lecturer of the Federal University of the Bahian Reconcavo (UFRB), author of the books Os sentidos da moda (The senses of fashion) (Annablume, 2005), A sagração da aparência (The appearance consecration) (EDUFBA, 2011) and As formas da moda (The trendy shapes) (Annablume, 2013). Team leader of the research group Body and Culture (registered at CNPq).
Rita Andrade  PhD in Cultural History - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Master of Arts in History of Textiles and Dress - WSA/University of Southampton, UK. Museology specialist (lato sensu) - Institute of Museology of São Paulo – FESP/SP. Adjunct Professor at the Visual Arts Faculty, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil, teaching at the MA and PhD Program in Art and Visual Culture and at the BA in Fashion Design. Editorial Board Member of DoBras journal (Brazil). Advisory Board Member of ABEPEM - Brazilian Association for Studies and Research in Fashion. Associated member of Costume Committee/ICOM and its representative at the ICOM’s Trienial in 2014. Founder and editor of the Brazilian edition of Fashion Theory - the journal of dress, body and culture (2002-2006). Dress historian consultant for “REPLICAR”, a Project of the Textiles Department at Museu Paulista/Universidade de São Paulo). Co-author of a chapter on Brazillian dress for Berg’s Encyclopaedia of World Dress and Fashion (2010). Currently mapping dress collections in Brazilian museums for a Sabatical Year Research based at Programa Avançado de Cultura Contemporânea – PACC/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Major research interests rely on material culture, heritage, colonialism and post-colonialism, history of dress and textiles (through object based research), with an emphasis on Brazilian and Latin American collections and their insertion in contemporary culture.
Rita Ribeiro holds a PhD in Sociology and a MA in Anthropology.  She is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, and member of CICS – Research Centre for the Social Sciences. Her main fields of research are identity studies, cultural policies, and consumption studies.
Rosane Preciosa Doutora em Psicologia pelo Núcleo de Subjetividades Contemporâneas (PUC-SP, 2002); professora do bacharelado interdisciplinar de Artes e Design da UFJF.
Rossana Gaddi graduated in Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano and Ph.D. in Design and technology for the enhancement of cultural heritage. Is a Communication designer since 2003, she has designed communication for fashion and textile, culture, events, advertising, publishing and services. At the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano she studies communication for fashion and culture system, and she is member of the research section of “Product, Strategies and Services”. She is Contract Professor of Visual Design at the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano, and member of the Master faculties of the Consortium Poli.Design and MFI (Milan Fashion Institute - Catholic University, Bocconi University, Milan Polytechnic).
Rui Alberto Lopes Miguel is graduated in Textile Engineering (1985) by the University of Beira Interior (UBI). During eight years he worked as textile engineer in the Wool Industry. In 1987 he started his academic career at UBI in the field of Textile Engineering and Fashion Design. He was researcher at CSIC – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Barcelona, Spain, in the field of fabric mechanics and performance, with a financial support of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. He got a PhD degree in Textile Engineering by UBI (2000). He is researcher at Textile and Paper Research Unit of UBI. He was a member of General Council of UBI and a consultant of Portuguese Air Force for fabric design and performance. He is Associate Professor, the Director of PhD Program in Textile Engineering, the Head of the Textile Department and a member of Scientific Council of Engineering Faculty of UBI. He is member of the Consultant Council of the ATP – Portuguese Textile and Clothing Association. He is involved in many studies and projects with the industry. He is author and co-author of more than 150 book chapters and journals and conferences papers in textile physics, smart clothing and fashion design areas.
Silgia Aparecida da Costa – Associator professor: School of Art, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo. Pós-doc: Departament of Engineering of Polymer -  University of Minho, Portugal, Grup 3B´S.PHD: Engineering Textile in Department of Engineering Textile - Minho University – Quimarães, Portugal, MSc: Industrial Biotechnology, School Engineering of Lorena, EEL/USP, Graduation: Industrial Chemical Engineering, School Engineering of Lorena, EEL/USP – Brazil.  Research with use of natural polymers generated by agro-industry and fishing industry developments for fiber for medical applications. LPTT - Research Laboratory Technical Textiles - EACH / USP.
Silvana Mota-Ribeiro.Assistant Professor. Teaches at the University of Minho, since 1996, in the Department of Communication Sciences. Member of CECS – Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho. Graduated in Communication Sciences, Master in Sociology of Culture and Lifestyles and PhD (European) in Social Semiotics of Communication. “Invited researcher” at the University of London (2005-2006), working with Gunther Kress. Has been working and publishing mainly in visual analysis, gender discourses, semiotics of fashion, advertising images in women’s magazines and fashion magazines and visual representaions in general. Has supervised several Master dissertations within the field of fashion images and gender and fashion.
Solange Riva Mezabarba Ph.D. Anthropologist by Universidade Federal Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro investigating consumption, apparel and fashion. Master in Anthropology with post graduation in Marketing, Finance and Marketing Research.  Graduated in Social Communication (Publicity and Advertisement).  During 15 years have worked for multinational corporations like Coca-Cola, Nabisco and Gillette managing Marketing Research.  Since 2007 has been teaching Consumption Anthropology in fashion design post graduation courses (like Senai Cetiqt and Universidade Cândido Mendes).  At the moment is coordinating a cool hunting extension course at Istituto Europeo di Design Rio de Janeiro.  Author of many articles about apparel and cities, crossing local culture with the way women choose to dress theirselves.
Solange Wajman Professor of Communication "Programa de Pós graduação da Universidade Paulista (UNIP)," São Paulo, Brazil. PhD in Social Sciences - Université René Descartes, Sorbonne (1994). Postdoctoral research at the School of Theatre and Film Lisbon-ESTC (2009).Leader of the Research Group MODA, “COMUNICAÇÂO E CULTURA” [¨FASHION, COMMUNICATION and CULTURE¨] based at the Paulista University , together with CNPq since 2005. Solange Wajnman has experience in the field of communication, with an emphasis on Communication Theory, acting on the following themes: visual communication, fashion, style, consumption and new technologies and epistemology.
Suzana Barreto Martins Designer, ergonomist, researcher in the areas of Ergonomics, Design and Sustainability with emphasis on ergonomics applied to fashion products and clothing and design for sustainability applied to textiles , clothing and apparel fashion products. Postdoctoral in Sustainable Design-Federal University of Paraná; PhD in Industrial Engineering- Federal University of Santa Catarina; Masters in Ergonomics and Specialization in Materials and Textile Processes-National Autonomous University of Mexico-UNAM ; Degree in Industrial Design-Federal University of Paraná. Adjunct Professor in the Dep. of Design, State University of Londrina, UEL. Multiple teaching activities as visiter professor in MBA courses. Creator of OIKOS methodology for evaluating the usability and comfort of garment and fashion products; author of numerous articles published in conferences, journals, book chapters, in Brazil and abroad. Coordinates among other: the Group Work Fashion, Sustainability and Inclusion in Colloquium Fashion; the Design for Sustainability Applied Textile Industry with emphasis on technological innovation in processes and new materials UEL, with some patents deposited inventions; and an inter institutional research group Design, Sustainability and Innovation.
Sylvia Demetrescu is PhD in Semiotics by the Sao Paulo Catholic University with a postdoctoral at French Institute. For 30 years was the VISUAL MERCHANDISING director of ROLEX watches in Brazil. She was a teacher at Ecole Supérieure de Visual Merchandising, in Vevey, from 2002 to 2013; editor of Inspiration Magazine from 2004 to 2013. Wrote eleven books about Visual Merchandising in Switzerland and Brazil. The last one was TIPOLOGIA E ESTÉTICA DO VISUAL MERCHANDISING. Editora Estação das Letras e Cores, 2012. Realized the International event Imagens Urbanas, Visual Merchandising in Rio de Janeiro, 2009, 2010. Realized the International event I e II e III Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa: CONSUMO – Marca e Cidade with Kathia Castilho, 2011/12/13.
Teresa Franqueira Doutorada em Design pelo Politecnico di Milano, mestre em Design Industrial pela FEUP / ESAD, pós-graduada em Design Industrial pela Glasgow School of Art / CPD e licenciada em Design de Equipamento pela ESAD Matosinhos. Desenvolveu actividade de investigação com Ezio Manzini no Politecnico di Milano (2006 a 2009), onde também leccionou durante esse período. É docente na Universidade de Aveiro e membro da Comissão Executiva do Departamento de Comunicação e Arte da UA. É investigadora na Unidade de Investigação ID+ (UA.UP) e coordenadora do ID+ DESIS Lab, laboratório da rede internacional DESIS – Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability.
Tula Fyskatoris, Mestre e Doutora em História pela PUC-SP. Pesquisa cidade, moda e consumo e suas inter-relações e desdobramentos, com destaque para o varejo de moda na cidade de São Paulo. É editora de livros na área de Moda. 
Valter Carlos Cardim Licenced by the Faculty of Arquitecture of the University of Sao Paulo, equivalence with the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon), post-graduated in "Design of Outfits and Products" by the University of Porto, specializing in "Design Direction" by the Domus Academy of Milano, M.B.A. in "Design Management" by the ISCTE - 'Instituto Superior das Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa', Lisbon. PhD in Anthropology – Cultural and Social Branch at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, New University of Lisbon with the thesis "Fashion Design, Culture and Identity, Social Sewing Clothing of English in the XX th Century." It is Researcher at CIAUD - Research Centre for Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Lisbon.
Zara Pinto-Coelho Department of Communication, Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), University of Minho, Portugal, PhD in Semiotics of Communication, Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences, Minho University, Portugal. Director of the research strand Language and social Interaction at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho. Has done research on discourse and drugs' prevention, discourse and gender, heterosexuality and visual ads in women's magazines.

