Instructions for authors
The official Congress languages are Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and English. The oral presentation will be made in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian or English. However, the support material to the presentation (slideshow) should be bilingual Portuguese / English or Spanish / English, Italian / English or simply English. Full papers submitted to be published according to Option A - Possibility 1, have to be provided in a high-quality English version right away.
Please carefully read all contents of this section before submitting your full paper (option A1 or A2) or short papers (Option B).
Submission categories
Option A1: Full papers - Between 7 and 10 pages, written in English. If accepted, and after having been corrected according to the reviewers' comments, the paper will be published in a book edited by SPRINGER (ISBN and DOI associated with each article, proposed to ISI and Scopus for indexing). The publication requires that least one of the authors registers in the congress.
Option A2: Full papers - Between 7 and 10 pages, written in any of the congress languages (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian or English). If accepted, and after having been corrected according to the reviewers' comments, the paper will be published in the book "Estudos em Moda e Design", edited by University of Minho (ISBN and DOI associated with each article). The publication requires that least one of the authors registers in the congress.
Option B: Submission of a short paper (minimum 3 - maximum 4 pages) in any of the congress languages (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, English). If accepted, and after having been corrected according to the reviewers' comments, the paper will be published in the book "Estudos em Moda e Design", published by UMinho, (with ISBN and DOI associated with each article). The publication requires registration of at least one of the authors at the conference. Accepted works will be presented as an electronic poster.
The submission of papers is done electronically through a paper submission system, which can be accessed from the "Paper Submission" area.
To proceed with the submission, prepare the submission according to the following documents:
- Template for preparing papers of type A1 (publication in the book "Advances in Fashion and Design Research" by Springer). More information at
- Template for preparing papers of type A2 and B (publication in the book "Estudos em Moda e Design" by Editora UMinho) (Portuguese | English)
Please note that the initial submission MUST NOT CONTAIN ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS OR ANY OTHER ELEMENTS OF IDENTIFICATION. This information should be included only in the revised final version, after acceptance of the work as described below.
Review Process
All papers submitted will undergo a blind review process carried out at least by two members of the CIMODE Scientific Committee. The review criteria are as follows
- Novelty
- Level of scientific contribution
- Validity of conclusions
- Industrial or application perspective
- Formal qualities of the work.
Stage 1: The authors submit papers electronically in one of three categories. Papers should be submitted in unsecured PDF. At this stage, the items MUST NOT CONTAIN ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS OR ANY OTHER ELEMENTS OF IDENTIFICATION.
Stage 2: The result of the first review stage is published and the electronic submission of the final version of accepted papers is opened. These are "camera-ready" versions in PDF and Microsoft Word format, corrected according to the reviewers' comments, and now must include information about the authorship of the article. At this point, the authors are also requested to submit a copyright form that will be provided.
For each registered participant one paper will be included in the congress.
Each author can have a maximum of two additional papers. For each extra paper, an additional fee according to the table presented here will be charged.
The maximum number of co-authors by paper is 5.
All accepted papers will be published provided they are received within the deadline and comply with the defined formatting rules. Full papers accepted in the first phase may be rejected in the second phase if the changes requested by the reviewers are not made.
Important notes:
• Considering the time limitations for oral presentations, some authors may be invited to present their papers as an electronic poster.
• At least one of the authors must be registered until the deadlines presented in the "Registration" section. If no author is registered until that date, papers will be removed from the program and publications.
The work published in the congress book will be made available under open access, on the congress site, at the end of the congress, and are licensed under a Creative Commons License - Attribution-Noncommercial-Ban conducting Derivative Works 3.0 License.