Procedure to submit final version

(Click here to download all the info on this page and associated documents)


Step 1: Change your papers according to the reviewer’s comments


Step 2: Check if your article is formatted according to the CIMODE template

Incorrectly formatted articles will be returned to the authors and may not be published if the authors do not resubmit a correct version in time.
Template for articles (PortuguêsInglês | Español) (Click to download)


Step 3: Prepare your documents

Prepare a single ZIP archive with the name ArticleNumber _FINAL  containing:

1. Final version of the document in original language, Word format, *.doc ou *docx
Filename: ArticleNumber _ORIGINAL

2. Final version of the document in English, if the original file is not already in English, Word format, *.doc ou *docx
Filename: ArticleNumber _ENGLISH

3.Signed and scanned final Information form, in *.pdf format (download here)
Filename: ArticleNumber _ INFORMATIONFORM


Step 4: Access your author area at Easychair and submit the ZIP archive

a)Select the paper

b) Submit new version (the ZIP archive)


File Size
Easychair does not allow more than 20MB for submitting a paper. Submissions with bigger files
will be accepted, but the appended file will not be transferred. In these cases please contact
